Transgenderism, The Left’s Offensive Against Children and Western Civilization

Transgenderism, The Lefts Offensive Against Western Civilizationby Patricia McCarthy –
Who among us could have guessed a few years back that today gender ideology would be the clearest, most divisive matter of contention separating the American left from the right? To those reasonably grounded in reality, the notion that gender is fluid, that a Supreme Court Justice would be unable to define the word “woman,” that men can give birth, and that children can and should be mutilated if they are confused about their own gender identity is not only sheer lunacy, it is barbaric.

But the left’s commitment to those ideas is total; it’s the hill on which they are willing to die. Those who disagree with them are vilified as transphobic, haters or terrorists. [Read more…]


Warning to America: Atheists and Leftists Infiltrated Russia’s Schools Mortally Wounding the Country

by Michael Spreng –
A century ago, the Russian people did not just wake up to an accidental Atheist takeover. Secular intellectuals had already infiltrated their schools, and when the universities changed, so did the minds and hearts of the people.

One of the first – if not the first – steps that we should take in building an Orthodox culture in any country, is the implementation and growth of Orthodox education. If we lose this battle, we lose the future stability of our parishes. The universities in America (and in many other western nations) are geared against us and have many sophisticated arguments [Read more…]


Carrying the Cross of Truth and Righteousness

Carrying the Cross of Truth and Righteousnessby Fr. Peter Olsen –
When we avoid the truth, we drift into the realm of not only falsehood but also dishonesty.

Life can be very confusing and challenging. The great gift of free will that God has given us carries along with it the awesome weight of responsibility and accountability. Sometimes we are tempted, knowingly or unknowingly, to despise the blessing of freedom that God has given us, wishing instead that someone or some thing would instead just tell us what to do and make our decisions for us. In other words, making decisions and choices is hard work. [Read more…]


Woke Barbarism and the Assault on Reason

Woke Barbarism and the Assault on Reasonby Glenn Ellmers –
The entire Woke agenda is an attack on civilization and a return to barbarism, violence, and anarchy. It’s the return of tyranny.

Our political situation is so chaotic and strange right now that we can’t take anything for granted—including what is normal. So it’s often necessary to explain what may seem obvious to readers of American Greatness, but is regarded as strange or almost incomprehensible to other people.

For example, it is obvious to me, and probably to you, that today’s “progressive” agenda is actually pushing our country back to a more primitive past.

Consider some of the most urgent priorities of woke ideology: [Read more…]


“When It’s Safe” in Church Means Never

When It's Safe in Church Means Neverby Fr. Geoffrey Korz –
Kindly set aside the idea that you will return to the holy services “when it’s safe”. That day will never come.

At every liturgy in the Orthodox Church, just before the singing of the Nicene Creed, the priest or the deacon intones the words, “The doors! The doors!” This call dates back to the earliest times, when the doors of the church had to be barred shut, to prevent outsiders (in those days, Roman soldiers) from entering the church, witnessing those who confessed the faith, seizing them, and killing them.

Being a Christian was not safe. [Read more…]


Leftists Denounce Math as Racist

Leftists Denounce Math as Racist Hidden Figuresby Jeff Davidson –
Progressives, BLM advocates, and social justice warriors detect racism, real or not, everywhere they look, particularly in education.

Imagine that a young Isaac Newton, Madame Curie, Henri Poincare, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Albert Einstein, Alan Turing, or, for that matter, Pythagoras, Euclid, or Archimedes was newly enrolled in a Portland, Oregon grade School.

Exposed to this state’s absurd edict regarding how math is to be taught – to make it less “white,” and to remove the onus of showing your work and reaching the right answer — would any of them have achieved prominence? Would the world be the same? [Read more…]


Christians, It’s Later Than You Think, Pray Without Ceasing

Hard Times Create Strong Men by James George Jatras –
Simply being what used to be considered normal and leading a productive life is becoming the most revolutionary act one can perform. With that in mind, find the strength to be revolutionaries indeed!

I accepted the invitation to speak with you today only with great trepidation. This was for at least three reasons.

The first is that, both for self-protection in an increasingly unfree country and my growing sense that nothing I or anyone else can say will make much difference in averting the horrors I believe are coming our way, I had ceased my public writing and speaking life, such as it was. I reluctantly have made an exception to that less than momentous recusal but plan to resume it at the end of today.

Secondly, I was loath to contaminate the naturally ebullient optimism of youth with my crotchety Boomer pessimism. At your age you should feel that the world is, if not quite your oyster, at least pregnant with possibilities. How do I tell you that, in the layman’s terms, your lives will probably suck? At least in the near future. But there is hope. I will return to that.

Thirdly, I thought it would be derelict of me not to provide you with some sage, old graybeard advice of a practical nature. If I were in your shoes today, what would I do, specifically, to try to make a positive contribution to the world around me? [Read more…]


Covid Hysteria: Man Has Become a Virus to His Fellow Man

Covid Hysteria - A Man is a Wolf to Another Man - Bishop Siluan Mrakic by Bishop Siluan (Mrakić) –
Man has become a virus to his fellow man in this ever-changing world and dystopian looking society.

I am compelled by my conscience as Bishop of the faithful entrusted to me, to address by way of this open letter my deep concerns regarding the situation our nation has spiraled into during this current health crisis, which we fear is becoming more of a crisis of humanity than that of health itself.

The Latin proverb Homo homini lupus est, “A man is a wolf to another man,” has tragically found its new form and expression in today’s crisis as: Homo homini virus est!

Man has become a virus to his fellow man in this ever-changing world and dystopian looking society. This is not hyperbole; it is happening right now around us. Just look at our workplaces, formerly places of collegiality and friendship, now rapidly digressing into segregation, suspicion, bullying and ridicule of those who have not yet received the green tick! [Read more…]


Idea of White Privilege is Absolutely Reprehensible

Idea of White Privilege is Absolutely Reprehensible - Jordan Petersonby Jordan Peterson –
The idea of white privilege is absolutely reprehensible. And it’s not because white people aren’t privileged. We have all sorts of privileges. Most people have privileges of all sorts. And you should be grateful for your privileges and work to deserve them, I would say.

But, the idea that you can target an ethnic group with a collective crime regardless of the specific innocence and guilt of the constituents of that group, there is absolutely nothing that is more racist than that. It’s absolutely abhorrent. [Read more…]


LGBTQ War on Children: The Queering Of Young America

by Rod Dreher –
The fact that between my generation and my children’s, the number of self-identified transgenders has increased by 800 percent, testifies to the final victory of the Sexual Revolution in destroying all the traditional sources of the Self.
LGBTQ War on Children: The Queering Of Young America [Read more…]
