If Congress Truly Wants to Help Children

American Thinker | Kyle-Anne Shiver | Oct. 31, 2007

If Democrat Congress people genuinely care about children and want to improve their lives, the best place to begin would be to lower the exorbitant tax levies forced upon the children’s parents by wasteful, behemoth, big-spending, never-accountable federal government. Instead of spinning their tails in a flurry of angst about going green, the Democrats in Congress might just try to sensibly stay in the black for a change. As Benjamin Franklin might say if he were a blogger today, Every dollar saved by government is a dollar in the pocket of some child’s mother and father that can buy bread, clothes, shelter, books, and even medical care. […]

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God and Hillary Clinton

FrontPageMagazine | Jamie Glazov | Nov. 7, 2007

So, un-belief works for liberal Democrats. Here’s a statistical fact: The greater the number of people who do not believe in God, the greater the number of votes for liberal Democrats. I suppose Al Gore might call that a triumph of reason.

The problem for most of these liberal politicians is that they run for office in America and not in France. They would do extremely well among the socialist, unbelieving populations of Europe. […]

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Communism is a Powerful Anti-Christian Heresy

Ultimate Things Communism Deadly Heresyby Dennis E. Engleman –

Throughout the Church age, the mystery of iniquity worked subtly and insidiously to foster unbelief. Satanically inspired humanism, which had received such impetus during the Renaissance and Enlightenment, reached its nihilistic nadir in the early twentieth century in the form of atheistic communism. The utopian ideology which is at the root of communism, and in fact of most secular thought, is seldom clearly realized even by its adherents; it has become part of the unexamined ideological inheritance of the post-Enlightenment era.

“One has to realize what communism is,” insisted Father Seraphim Rose. “Not merely a power-mad political regime, but an ideological-religious system whose aim is to overthrow and supplant all other systems, most of all Christianity. [Read more…]


Life is not a Defined Benefit

Human Events | Star Parker | Nov. 2, 2007

The U.S Comptroller General and head of the GAO, Government Accountability Office, has described the entitlements crisis facing this country as a “tsunami” that approaches while we continue to party on the beach.

What GAO head David Walker is talking about are the massive upcoming obligations under Social Security and Medicare that we have no funds to meet. Tens of trillions of dollars of supposed commitments, promises made to us by our government, that today we have no clue how we’ll pay.

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Twin Survives Multiple Abortion Attempts, Refuses to Die

Miracles happen all around us, we just have to stop and pay attention.


Daily Mail UK | Lucy Laing | Nov. 3, 2007

They say twins share a strong bond – but the one between Gabriel and Ieuan Jones was unbreakable. When doctors found that Gabriel was weaker than his brother, with an enlarged heart,and believed he was going to die in the womb, his mother Rebecca Jones had to make a heartbreaking decision.

Doctors told her his death could cause his twin brother to die too before they were born, and that it would be better to end Gabriel’s suffering sooner rather than later. Mrs Jones decided to let doctors operate to terminate Gabriel’s life.

Firstly they tried to sever his umbilical cord to cut off his blood supply, but the cord was too strong. They then cut Mrs Jones’s placenta in half so that when Gabriel died, it would not affect his twin brother.

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Majority of San Diego Burn Patients are Illegal Immigrants

Union-Tribune | Cheryl Clark & Leslie Berestein | Oct. 31, 2007

The fact that 11 of the 18 wildfire victims lying in UCSD Medical Center’s burn unit are illegal immigrants with no apparent health coverage highlights the daunting financial challenge hospitals face in providing long-term, intensive care for all those who need it.

“These are the most expensive kinds of cases, but we don’t look at these patients and say, oh, because they aren’t legal residents, we’ll stop providing care or stop changing their bandages,” said Dr. Thomas McAfee, UCSD’s physician-in-chief. “It’s part of our ethic to continue to provide this care no matter what.”

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Hillary Clinton Contradicts Herself in Debates, Lacks Vision

So much for “let your yes be yes, and your no be no.” If this is what’s in store for the future of this country we’re in serious trouble.

Politico.com | Roger Simon | Oct. 31, 2007

PHILADELPHIA — We now know something that we did not know before: When Hillary Clinton has a bad night, she really has a bad night. In a debate against six Democratic opponents at Drexel University here Tuesday, Clinton gave the worst performance of her entire campaign. (….)

John Edwards immediately went for the jugular. “Unless I missed something,” he said, “Sen. Clinton said two different things in the course of about two minutes. America is looking for a president who will say the same thing, who will be consistent, who will be straight with them.”

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Are the Poor Getting Poorer?

Human Events | Walter E. Williams | Oct. 30, 2007

For the most part, long-term poverty today is self-inflicted. To see this, let’s examine some numbers from the Census Bureau’s 2004 Current Population Survey. There’s one segment of the black population that suffers only a 9.9 percent poverty rate, and only 13.7 percent of their under-5-year-olds are poor. There’s another segment of the black population that suffers a 39.5 percent poverty rate, and 58.1 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor.

Among whites, one population segment suffers a 6 percent poverty rate, and only 9.9 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. Another segment of the white population suffers a 26.4 percent poverty rate, and 52 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor.

What do you think distinguishes the high and low poverty populations? The only statistical distinction between both the black and white populations is marriage. There is far less poverty in married-couple families, where presumably at least one of the spouses is employed. Fully 85 percent of black children living in poverty reside in a female-headed household.

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