The Religion of Eternal Racism and Eternal Sexism

American Thinker | Bruce Walker | Mar. 25, 2008

The Civil Rights Act was passed forty-three years ago. The feminist movement was more or less officially launched about forty years ago. And yet today in the Democrat Party there are serious voices complaining of racism and sexism among Democrat voters (and, presumably, among the American people.) How many “civil rights” leaders talk as if racism is an immutable, eternal characteristic of American society? How many feminist leaders talk as if sexism is an immutable, eternal characteristic of American society? [Read more…]


Global Warming Stopped a Decade Ago

The Australian | Christopher Pearson | Mar. 22, 2008

There has been cooling, if you take 1998 as your point of reference. If you take 2002 as your point of reference, then temperatures have plateaued. This is certainly not what you’d expect if carbon dioxide is driving temperature because carbon dioxide levels have been increasing but temperatures have actually been coming down over the last 10 years. [Read more…]


Debate on Euthanasia, Dialogue between Christianity and Secular Humanism | Bishop Hilarion Alfeyev | Mar. 14, 2008

The recent debate on euthanasia is impossible to examine apart from the main problems in the dialogue between the religious world-view and Western secular humanism over the values which should lie at the foundation of the ‘new world order.’ In our opinion, these arguments demonstrate the anti-human essence of atheistic humanism, which lays claims to being a universal ideology and openly opposes itself to the traditional notions of life and death. [Read more…]


Is Obama Trying to Bamboozle Us with His Wright Denials?

American Thinker | Kyle-Anne Shiver | Mar. 18, 2008

I don’t know about you, dear reader, but I’m getting a bit queasy at the thought of Barack Obama’s tendency to know nothing about nothing when it comes to people and problems right under his nose. If he genuinely was not on to the racism of his own pastor, the guy who was like an “uncle” to him, how will he be able to see through the lying hypocrisy of IslamoFascists. [Read more…]
