Obama’s Greatest Deficit Is Wisdom

4/28/2010 – Tom White –

It is often said, by both supporters and detractors, that President Barack Obama is intelligent, smart, well-educated, and even cerebral. However, President Obama is never described as wise. Wisdom is a special quality reserved for a few rare individuals. And wisdom is the most important characteristic which distinguishes ordinary leaders from extraordinary leaders.

Obama’s wisdom deficit is not necessarily a flaw or defect in his character. It is simply a quality that does not yet exist within the man. The old adage “with age comes wisdom” hints that wisdom takes time to acquire, but not all people become wise. [Read more…]


A Carefully Crafted Immigration Law in Arizona

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signs the illegal-immigration bill
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signs the illegal-immigration bill

4/26/2010 – by Byron York –

The chattering class is aghast at Arizona’s new immigration law. “Harkens back to apartheid,” says the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Cynthia Tucker. “Shameful,” says the Washington Post’s E.J. Dionne. “Terrible…an invitation to abuse,” says the New York Times’ David Brooks.

For his part, President Obama calls the law “misguided” and says it “threaten[s] to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans.” Obama has ordered the Justice Department to “closely monitor the situation and examine the civil rights and other implications of this legislation. [Read more…]


Liberals and the Violence Card

Wall Street Journal | by Rush Limbaugh | 4/26/2010

The latest liberal meme is to equate skepticism of the Obama administration with a tendency toward violence. That takes me back 15 years ago to the time President Bill Clinton accused “loud and angry voices” on the airwaves (i.e., radio talk-show hosts like me) of having incited Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. What self-serving nonsense. Liberals are perfectly comfortable with antigovernment protest when they’re not in power. [Read more…]


Will the Federal Government Ever Enforce Our Immigration Laws?

Jack Cafferty
Jack Cafferty

by Jack Cafferty | 4/26/2010

So Arizona passes a tough law against illegal immigration and suddenly they get Washington’s attention.

One poll finds 70 percent of Arizona voters support the new law… hey, maybe we better do something too. So like the lemmings they are when they smell a chance to score political points… and some of them need a lot of help with the midterms approaching – there is talk now of rushing immigration reform through Congress.

President Obama called the Arizona law “misguided.” What is misguided, Mr. President, is the federal government’s refusal to enforce the laws already on the books. Read the Arizona law… parts of it are word-for-word the same as the federal laws – which continue to be ignored. [Read more…]


Fighting Statism

American Thinker | by Justin Blackman | 4/25/2010

Individual rights must be the rallying point for reclaiming liberty.

The Founders of the United States hoped to create a society of free individuals, but for at least a century, the nation has been marching ever more quickly in the direction of tyranny. The independent Tea Party movement represents a renewed desire to roll back the tide of government expansion, but this cause will fail unless its participants take an uncompromising stand in favor of individual rights. A building, no matter how rigid, cannot stand upon a weak and cracked foundation. In the same vein, errors and inconsistencies in a society’s philosophical foundation will cause its downfall — even in one as great as ours. [Read more…]


Cornhuskers Choose Life

American Thinker | by Jeannie DeAngelis | 4/9/2010

A bill put forward by the state of Nebraska, hoping to impose further limits on a woman’s right to choose, has the Cornhusker state once again embroiled in debate, this time over abortion. The proposed Abortion Pain Prevention Act seeks to address the issue of late-term abortion by making the procedure “illegal after the 20th week of pregnancy…because of some medical evidence that a fetus can feel pain at that stage of gestation.” [Read more…]


Coercive Charity Destroys the Human Spirit

American Thinker | by Joseph Rosenberger| 3/26/2010

A society that compels each individual to provide for the personal happiness of one’s neighbor, which can come only from selling one’s labor or one’s private property, and then handing those earnings over by confiscatory taxes, is a society with less individual freedom or liberty. At the current bankrupting levels of benevolence that comprise Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, this health care log will no doubt pulverize every bone in the camel. The destruction of our great nation — what the enemies of America could not accomplish by war, we are doing to ourselves by misplaced compassion.

We are not a collective. Nor are we slaves or servants to each other. While we hold many things in common, we must keep our hands off that from which all goodness and compassion come: the individual. [Read more…]


ObamaCare is Tyranny, Not Legislation

Obamacare: A Nightmare for America
Obamacare: A Nightmare for America

American Thinker | by Janice Shaw Crouse | 3/18/2010

What we’re seeing in Washington, D.C. is not “politics as usual” with the arm twisting and “horse trading” that is typical in getting a bill passed; instead, it is ideological warfare. What Obama, Reid and Pelosi are doing is not legislating; it is an act of tyranny — overturning all the rules and principles of government in a representative democracy. Attempting to pass the Senate version of ObamaCare in the House under the ironically named “Slaughter Rule” (to circumvent the objections of the Stupak coalition to taxpayer funding of abortion) is an exercise in raw power akin to the many acts of judicial tyranny the American public has endured over the last 40 years from judges who have little regard for the Constitution.

Apparently Obama, Reid and Pelosi aren’t worried about losing control of Congress in 2010 or even the presidency in 2012, because their higher goal is to irrevocably institutionalize their leftist ideology. [Read more…]


Democrats Fly True Colors In Health War

Investors.com | by Michael Gerson | 3/16/2010

The final outcome of the health care reform debate is uncertain — who can predict where a writhing eel will land? — but we have learned a few things already.

First, we know that President Obama and the Democratic congressional leadership could not persuade a majority of Americans of the wisdom of their plan — and have largely ceased to try. [Read more…]


Thugs in Washington

Obamacare: A Nightmare for America
Obamacare: A Nightmare for America

LifeSiteNews | by Steve Jalsevac | 3/12/2010

When human life is measured only by its cost, then you know there are wider and very concerning implications about what such people believe and will do.

We are seeing the Obama Democrats come out these past few days revealing, more explicitly than ever before, their true nature of being political thugs.

All stops are being pulled to ram their health care legislation through – no matter how much the American public opposes it, no matter how much they have to lie and trash the constitution and legislative traditions, and no matter how much they have to bribe or threaten fellow Democrats who won’t go along with their corrupt program.
[Read more…]
