Shocking Setback for Religious Freedom in Supreme Court

6/30/2010 – Ken Klukowski –

On June 28, the Supreme Court handed down a deeply-disturbing decision in Christian Legal Society v. Martinez that sets back religious freedom in this country. This case was nothing more than the Court expressing outright hostility to a group because of its orthodox Christian beliefs.

Christian Legal Society (CLS) is an association of Christian lawyers and law students. In 2004 it was denied recognition as a student group at Hastings College of the Law (part of the University of California), making CLS the only group ever denied recognition by the school. [Read more…]


Socialism is Not in Conformity with Biblical Teaching

5/4/2010 – Patrick Novecosky –

Fr. John Corapi
Fr. John Corapi

Fr. John Corapi: “socialism is not in conformity with biblical teaching.”
Speaking to a crowd of more than 7,000 faithful during an intense day-long event in St. Louis on Saturday, renowned Catholic preacher Fr. John Corapi warned, “The day for fence-sitting is over; the days to be a lukewarm Catholic are rapidly coming to an end.”

In a wide-ranging discourse, sponsored by the international Catholic businessmen’s organization Legatus, Corapi called Christians to task for dropping the ball and losing the culture to “neo-pagan” elements.

“The unraveling of Christianity has led to the unraveling of the world,” he explained. “We are at war [for souls], so we don’t have the luxury to sit on our complacent rear ends.”

Urging attendees to examine the current political climate, he said that “socialism is not in conformity with biblical teaching. Socialism doesn’t profit the poor, but only brings poverty and misery. Socialism is about the seizure of power. It only brings everyone down to the lowest common denominator.” [Read more…]


Progressive Death

5/2/2010 – Paul Kengor –
Progressivism is all the rage nowadays, with liberals having jettisoned the “liberal” label for the less maligned tag of “progressive.” In truth, “progressive” is a better name, more accurately describing the movement and its extremely broad, precariously unpredictable direction.

Here is the essence of the problem with progressives and their movement, which is a gigantic problem for all of America: One of the only things we really know about progressives, and that they know about themselves and their ideology, is that they favor constant “change,” “reform,” an ever-shifting, ongoing “evolution,” or, yes, progression. [Read more…]


The Mystery of the Resurrection

Resurrection Christ

5/1/2010 – Regis Nicoll –

The resurrection is one of Christendom’s deepest mysteries and, yet, no different in kind than the mystery of creation—whereby, man was formed from the dust of the earth, and the earth, ex nihilo, by the utterance of God. Consequently, folks who are put off by the resurrection of the dead will likely find the creation of the living a difficult pill as well.

It suggests that the real objection to the resurrection mystery is not so much over the process, but over what the process implies. Someone who is able to reassemble, refurbish, and reinvigorate our remains is Someone who can assert cosmic authority over us and make demands of us. And that is Someone some people would rather not think about, for now. [Read more…]


It’s no longer a laughing matter

American Thinker | D.L. Hammack | May 4, 2009

It’s no longer funny. This is serious. What was initially a comedy of errors and gaffes is now becoming a serious threat to our security, our economy and our way of life.

Initially, I thought that this guy would float his trial balloons aimed at taking us to the left… test the waters, so-to-speak. He did. We watched. When nobody shot these balloons down, or stood up to the radical changes he proposed, he and Rahm became even more brazen. [Read more…]


On Enduring Scandals in Faith | Fr. Josiah Trenham | May 1, 2009

“St. John Chrysostom wrote a penetrating treatise entitled On the Providence of God while he himself was in the midst of a crucible of personal suffering. He had been uncanonically deposed by a corrupt synod of bishops, and unjustly banished from his see in Constantinople by a weak Emperor whose wife despised Chrysostom for his honesty and pastoral forthrightness. He was separated from his altar and the liturgical services upon which he sustained his ascetical life. He was removed from the company of his closest friends, who themselves were being viciously persecuted by the new bishop who had been installed as Chrysostom’s successor. He was being physically abused by the imperial soldiers. He was terribly ill, burning with a fever. He was in constant danger of barbarian attack. He was ceaselessly slandered by shameless ecclesiastical opponents. He was being driven to the extreme corner of the Empire, distant from all the urban amenities he was accustomed to, and death was at his door. [Read more…]


Miss Calif. Featured in Ad Warning About ‘Gay Marriage’ Consequences

Christian Examiner | Michael Foust | May 1, 2009

With the assistance of Miss California USA Carrie Prejean, a leading conservative group launched a television ad April 30 saying the criticism the beauty contestant has received is symbolic of what will happen to religious freedoms if the nation legalizes “gay marriage.”

Nom, a leading conservative group, launched a television ad saying the criticism the beauty contestant received is symbolic of what will happen to religious freedoms if the nation legalizes “gay marriage.” [Read more…]


The Great Liberal Pandemonium Machine

American Thinker | James Lewis | Apr. 30, 2009

The Left rules by constant fear, but none of its predicted catastrophes come true. Ever notice that? Instead, we do have real things to worry about, all right — but half of them are the results of the Media Pandemonium Machine itself. Like one third of the little kids in our world who are now convinced — by cynical or deluded adults — that they won’t live long enough to enjoy a healthy adulthood. That is a terrible burden imposed on little children by the Left, in its never-ending grab for power. [Read more…]


When the Obama Backlash Comes

American Thinker | Jeff Lukens | Apr. 29, 2009

The contradictions between Obama’s words and actions are many. He opposes big government, and then he vastly expands it. He says he favors bipartisanship, but doesn’t practice it. He says he is against earmarks, and then signs the largest pork package in history. And that is just to name a few.

Such inconsistencies are contributing to a lack of confidence in Obama and his economic policies. The budget deficits he proposes are staggering. The trillions of dollars he wants to spend are incomprehensible. There is no evidence that stimulative government spending even works. Obama is apparently racing to remake America in a socialist mold before public sentiment turns against him. One wonders whether his political capital will run out before financial capital of the country runs out. [Read more…]


The sun’s cooling down – so what does that mean for us?

The Guardian | Laura Spinney | Apr. 23, 2009

The sun’s activity is winding down, triggering fevered debate among scientists about how low it will go, and what it means for Earth’s climate. Nasa recorded no sunspots on 266 days in 2008 – a level of inactivity not seen since 1913 – and 2009 looks set to be even quieter. Solar wind pressure is at a 50-year low and our local star is ever so slightly dimmer than it was 10 years ago.

Sunspots are the most visible sign of an active sun – islands of magnetism on the sun’s surface where convection is inhibited, making the gas cooler and darker when seen from Earth – and the fact that they’re vanishing means we’re heading into a period of solar lethargy. [Read more…]
