In the Name of Education

FrontPage Mag | Jamie Glazov | Jan. 21, 2008

We are being bombarded by so many ideologies that it is almost impossible to keep up with them. Some of the underlying and unspoken goals of those ideologies are to attack the pillars of Western culture, namely Christianity. My task in those books is to expose them for what they are. I also want to give reasoned responses to them because they are irrational, unnecessary, and ultimately detrimental to Western societies. [Read more…]


The Race for the American Mind

American Thinker | Selwyn Duke | Jan. 13, 2008

Last year’s scamnesty bill had widespread support among the powers-that-be, with the president, the Democrat majority and mainstream media all singing its praises. Yet it went down to defeat, slain by a new-media coalition of talk radio and blogosphere warriors. Working tirelessly to expose the truth and rally the grassroots, they became a David who slew a Goliath. [Read more…]


Who Will Control Your Thermostat?

The totalitarian impulses of the leftists ruling California are bearing fruit and further encroach on our liberties.

American Thinker | Joseph Somsel | Jan. 4, 2008

There is nothing wrong with your thermostat. Do not attempt to adjust the temperature. We are controlling your power consumption. If we wish to make it hotter, we will turn off your air conditioner. If we wish to make it cooler, we will turn off your heater. For the next millennium, sit quietly and we will control your home temperature. [Read more…]


The National Church of Socialism

FrontPage Mag | Mark D. Tooley | Dec. 28, 2007

The financially and demographically struggling National Council of Churches (NCC) is mulling over a new “Social Creed for the 21st Century” that will succinctly articulate its left-leaning political activism. Many of the NCC’s heterodox officials and activist supporters could not affirm traditional Christian theological creeds. For them, political creeds are the desired alternative. [Read more…]


High Property Taxes Force Senior Citizens into Indebted Servitude

High property taxes in Greenburgh, NY are placing drastic burderns on its senior citizens. Retirees with modest incomes who own their own homes face outrageous property tax bills that threaten their ownership rights and their retirement. One example is Audrey Davison who lives alone and gets a $620 Social Security check each month and owes $12,000/year in property taxes.

Rather than slashing the astronomically high property taxes or eliminating them, the town is offering instead to make its retirees gov’t indebted servants at $7/hour in order to pay off their taxes. This is indeed another dreadful consequence of leftist, big government policies gone wild. Real property rights are continuing to erode in the US, while our march toward communism accelerates. [Read more…]


Why The Christmas Wars Matter

Human Events | Gary Bauer | Dec. 21, 2007

The secular grinches were out in full force again this pre-Christmas season. But it is not just crèches and twinkling lights that the secularists want to ban — their ultimate goal is the elimination off all faith-based thought from public life.

Barbara Walters, co-host of ABC’s The View, spent much of a recent show grumbling about receiving a Christmas card from President and Mrs. Bush that included a Bible verse. Walters said, “This is what interested me, that it is a religious card. Usually, in the past when I have received a Christmas card, it’s been ‘happy holidays’ and so on… [Read more…]


Global Carbon Tax Urged at UN Climate Conference

The real motivation behind the worldwide Global Warming Cult is becoming clearer.
US Senate EPW | Marc Morano | Dec. 13, 2007

BALI, Indonesia – A global tax on carbon dioxide emissions was urged to help save the Earth from catastrophic man-made global warming at the United Nations climate conference. A panel of UN participants on Thursday urged the adoption of a tax that would represent “a global burden sharing system, fair, with solidarity, and legally binding to all nations.” [Read more…]


They’ll Never Forgive You

Human Events | Ann Coulter | Dec. 5, 2007

It is true that most of the high-value targets whom McCarthy cited to prove Democratic perfidy had been identified as Soviet spies before McCarthy came on the scene.

But the essence of what McCarthy was saying was: Let’s get into this a bit. How could Whittaker Chambers meet with FDR’s Assistant Secretary of State Adolf Berle in 1939, reveal massive Soviet penetration of the Roosevelt administration, and still have these same Soviet spies swarming through Democratic administrations a decade later? [Read more…]


The Greenest Hypocrites of 2007 | Steven Milloy | Dec. 6, 2007

Green has traditionally been the color of the deadly sin of envy. But this year, a trendy upstart mounted a serious challenge to envy’s claim. The one thing these honorees all have in common is that their real-life actions belie their carefully crafted green public images. If they don’t take their commitment seriously, why should you?
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The great climate change extortion racket

CanadaFreePress | Klaus Rohrich | Nov. 30, 2007

Anyone who still believes that the Kyoto Accord is about actually reducing so-called greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere is in dire need of therapy. Kyoto is now and has always been about redistributing wealth. Recent statements by countries such as Brazil and India have confirmed this to be the case as developing nations are taking the position that climate change was caused by industrialized countries and should therefore be remediated by those countries.

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