Fibonacci numbers – The Fingerprint of God

Leonard Pisano a.k.a Fibonacci discovered a sequence of numbers that started with 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 and continue indefinitely each number obtained by adding the last two digits together.

There are over 6.5 billion people and even countless more animals with the individuality of the fingerprint. No two fingerprints are the same. Everything we touch and come into contact with is branded with a small embodied image revealing the print of the individual who was there for those who see it.

Circa 1200 A.D. a man named Leonard Pisano a.k.a Fibonacci discovered a sequence of numbers that started with 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 and continue indefinitely each number obtained by adding the last two digits together. The Fibonacci sequence states: 1+1=2; 1+2=3; 2+3=5; 3+5=8; 5+8=13; 8+13=21; 13+21=34 and so on and so forth until forever and ever until no words exist for the sum of the numbers. Making a rectangle with any 2 numbers from the sequence makes what is known as the “Golden Rectangle”. This perfect rectangle can be broken down into squares the size of the Fibonacci #’s down and below.

For example, take a rectangle with the dimensions of 13 and 8. It can be dissected into smaller squares inside that rectangle using the smaller numbers of that sequence until you reach 1. Then divide each square with an arc starting from the smallest square to the largest and you will start to see a spiral forming. Each square divided with an arc shows a pattern begins to take shape, a spiral.

The spiral itself is of no consequence, what is important is where we find it in nature. This formula and spiral can be applied and seen to natures divinity. The pedals of a flower, the florets of a sunflower, the pineapple takes the same spiral shape, the pine cone, the human ear, the waves of the ocean, and especially the nautilus shell can all be mathematically diagrammed onto a plot based on the Fibonacci sequence.

The most considerable of all the examples is that even the galaxies directly above our heads are formed with the exact blueprint and design that the tiny flower and shell is formed. It appears to me to be a brand, or trademark from a designer. A print left behind that indicates the One who was there. A fingerprint if you will.

Fibonacci numbers – The Fingerprint of God
