America Lost

US Flag in Distress

American Thinker | by Steve McCann | 3/22/2010

In the 1970s, there was an evocative public service advertisement on television. It showed an old and grizzled Native American Chief with a tear rolling down his cheek as he surveyed the pollution scaring the landscape of the once-pristine land.

As the House of Representatives passed Health Care Reform, many of us who were blessed to immigrate to the United States in search of freedom and opportunity (and were welcomed with open arms) found ourselves looking across the panorama of our adopted land with a tear rolling down our cheek.

Many of us who came to the United States did so to escape the brutal hand of government or as survivors of the consequences of tyranny run amok.

It has become difficult to watch, as our adopted land appears to have chosen a path that will lead to a nation we dare not imagine: a nation beginning to resemble what we left behind.

We see in Washington, D.C. the spectacle of a Congress whose members are no longer responsive to the people or the Constitution, but instead are captive to their personal whims and greed, as well as their allegiance to a president, political party, and statist ideology.

We recognize that in the White House, in the office once occupied by some of the greatest men in history, the nation has as its president the person most hostile to the founding tenets of the United States since its inception. Mr. Obama appears more desirous of creating a “cult of personality” and a socialist utopia by any means necessary than in acting in the best interest of all the people.

We have witnessed, despite the overwhelming opposition of the people, the arrogance of power as the Obama administration and the Democrats in Congress forced through a Health Care Reform bill — a bill whose objective is not to improve the health care of the citizens, but to expand by geometric proportions the power of the state over the individual.

We know that this bill will be nearly impossible to fully repeal, but more importantly, it will pit the government against the individual, foment class warfare, create additional unemployment, shackle the economy, and exacerbate the national debt crisis, while ultimately rationing health care to the most vulnerable in society.

We notice that the (once-)mainstream media are no longer the watchdogs of the machinations of government, but rather the cheerleaders for the present administration. The current health care debate was viewed not as a vital national issue, but rather as a sporting event with the requisite reporting on which team would win.

We see an economy, the engine of wealth and security, hamstrung by regulations, taxes, government policies, lawsuits, and mandates no longer able to generate jobs and income for our citizens. American businesses can no longer compete in a new global economy and must therefore leave our shores, taking employment opportunities and wealth with them. Small businesses and entrepreneurs will no longer be able to generate jobs or even open their doors, as they too will be hobbled by this same myopic and rigid socialist ideology.

Liberty Lost, Weep for America

We realize, as do many of our fellow citizens, that the United States is on a collision course with national bankruptcy. Yet the present government appears determined, by their policies, to make certain that there is little or no economic growth so necessary to mitigate the future debt crises and make certain that the standard of living for all Americans continues to increase.

We fear that one day, the greatest nation in the history of mankind will be relegated to secondary status, easily intimidated by those who wish us harm, as the United States will no longer be able to finance the most dominant military in the world. Many of us have known first-hand the horrors of war, and we pray that that is something our fellow citizens never experience.

We watch as a nation blessed with abundant natural resources refuses to responsibly exploit them, but rather becomes dependent on the unreliable whims of foreign nations for energy while willingly enriching potential adversaries.

We know, based on our personal experience, that when a nation embarks on the road to massive government and control of the day-to-day lives of its citizens, the outcome is always detrimental to the individual. We know that liberty and freedom are the first casualties, and once fully lost, they can never be regained short of armed conflict.

We have been blessed to live among the most generous, outgoing, and patriotic people on the face of the earth. Some of us have succeeded beyond our wildest dreams, but all of us cherish the freedom to fail or succeed, to live in a land established on the premise that our rights come from God and not man, and to be part of man’s most noble and crowning achievement: the founding and creation of the United States of America.

The founders of our country gave the people a road map, the Constitution, to maintain or regain the power of the people. Follow it. Unite, organize, use the legal process, peacefully march, and above all, vote and take back the country from those who are hell-bent on destroying it for personal vanity or adherence to a failed ideology.

This will be our last chance. On behalf of all of us over the past century who came across an ocean to seek freedom, please do not forsake your future and that of succeeding generations. There will be no beacon or haven for liberty-loving people throughout the world if the United States ceases to be that “shining city on a hill.”

HT: American Thinker


22 thoughts on “America Lost”

  1. History has shown us that Fr. Anastasios communist ideology (his “socialism” is just communism light) is the one truly “antithetical to Orthodox thinking” with some very horrible and tragic results for the Orthodox Church, tens of thousands of priests, millions of Orthodox Christians, and humanity in general.

    Throughout the Church age, the mystery of iniquity worked subtly and insidiously to foster unbelief. Satanically inspired humanism, which had received such impetus during the Renaissance and Enlightenment, reached its nihilistic nadir in the early twentieth century in the form of atheistic communism. The utopian ideology which is at the root of communism, and in fact of most secular thought, is seldom clearly realized even by its adherents; it has become part of the unexamined ideological inheritance of the post-Enlightenment era.

    “One has to realize what communism is,” insisted Father Seraphim Rose. “Not merely a power-mad political regime, but an ideological-religious system whose aim is to overthrow and supplant all other systems, most of all Christianity.

    Communism is actually a very powerful heresy whose central thesis . . . is chiliasm or millennialism: history is to reach its culmination in an indefinite state of earthly blessedness, a perfect mankind living in perfect peace and harmony.”

    Communism specifically attacked the land[s] which had most nearly retained her [their] ancient Christian traditions – Holy Russia [Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Serbia]. Propaganda portrayed Bolshevism as a political/social uprising, which is what gullible individuals throughout the world still imagine it to have been. But the “revolution” was far more than this – it was actually a battle against Christianity.

    The Bolesheviks hated not only the emperor, but everything he represented. They were not content to see him deposed, but wanted him and every member of his family killed, so that the ancient link of Christian monarchy extending back to Constantinople the Great would be forever severed.”

  2. Oh yes, we remember Bishop Savas very well. He rejoiced and cheered when Obama was elected president.

    Wednesday, November 5, 2008
    This is the day that the Lord has made!
    Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

    Or as my late father, Skevos (“Steve”) Zembillas, used to say (generally, when the stock market went up), “Wow! Isn’t it wonderful to be alive today?”

    I know I’m taking a risk of alienating or angering or confusing or scandalizing some of my readers, those who identify the Democratic Party with an ungodly, anti-family agenda, and who imagine the Republicans are the Children of Light, but I really can’t contain myself today. […]

    Do I expect miracles from the President-Elect? Am I confusing the man with the Messiah? Of course not. But neither is he the Antichrist, as some of his opponents would have you believe. Americans did a good thing yesterday, an inspired thing. They didn’t voice their opinion, they shouted it.

    A new day has dawned, a day that the Lord has most emphatically made. Are you as delighted as I am? Send up thanks to the Lord our God!

    Are you for any reason unhappy? Pray to the same God for our President-Elect’s enlightenment.

    Having our blog trashed and attacked on his facebook page is indeed a badge of honor and a great sign that we are definitely on the right track.

    Thanks for sharing such good news!

  3. As a proud socialist, I urge you to get over it — the people HAVE spoken. The United States escaped the grip of “tyranny run amok” when the brutal Governor Bush “administration” left office. If we are on a course to national bankruptcy, it is because the Bush cabal decided to declare an illegal war in Iraq without even raising the taxes necessary to pursue it. By not, as you say, “exploiting” our resources, we are in line with the teachings of our “Green” Ecumenical Patriarch — who teaches us that the world and its resources are “ours” only in so far as they have been given to us to responsibly manage, not rape. Your views are very misguided — and antithetical to Orthodox thinking. Look at American history and you will find that, despite our achievements, America never WAS that city on the hill.

  4. You sir, as a heretical Seraphim Rose acolyte, are the one with the dangerous views. Your ignorance bleeds out all over when you equate democratic socialism and dictatorial communism. I am glad I do not live in the scary, make-believe world that you inhabit.

  5. I would like to know where Fr. Anastasios is located, so I may avoid his church,without accidentally stumbling into the belly of the beast. I am ashamed, and frankly dumbfounded, in that he is Orthodox; at least in name. Shame on you Fr. Anastasios! After all Orthodox Christians have endured over the past century and here you are, haughty and arrogant, espousing such a vulgar and demonic system of government. By the waters of Babylon, indeed!

  6. I beg to differ. Tens of millions of Orthodox Christians who were enslaved, imprisoned, tortured, starved, and murdered at the altar of communism and socialism, stand as a testament against the lies, falsehoods, and demonic beliefs that Fr. Anastasios embraces, defends, and promotes. I am sickened to know that such an impostor exists in the very core of the church and how many he is leading astray.

  7. Dear “Christian,”

    The Pharisaic attitudes here are incredible. Indeed, judging democratic socialism — such as exists in places like Scandinavia — to be a “demonic system of government.” You, my friend, are an ostrich with your head in the sand. And I am quite pleased that you will be avoiding my congregation. My parish does not need this type of infection in its midst.

    Please do not preach to me about what Orthodox Christians have endured. I am descended from both mainland Greece and Asia Minor and know, through firsthand family history, what persecution and martyrdom is about. Leave it to you Johnny-come-lately converts to preach to ME about the Church of my ancestors and of my birth.

    How preposterous and presumptuous.

  8. I always knew that Greeks were nationalists, but I never knew that they were fascists as well. By your pride alone have you alienated yourself from real Orthodoxy! Speaking of real Orthodoxy; do you mean to suggest that you are immune to questioning because you have come from a people and land who are generally Orthodox? And, for how long has Orthodoxy been exclusive or has practiced ancestor worship? I think that your comments are extremely out of the ordinary and they would suggest that you need to see a shrink for anger management and Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
    Matthew 5:5 – Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

  9. Dear Fr. Anastasios,
    Although, socialism in it’s pure form, sounds ideal in many ways, it has never really worked. I think if you read the philosophical writings and poetry of Mao Tse Tung, you would see that he was a purist in his belief that socialism would cure the evils in humanity. His experiment never worked because the premise that it is founded upon does not include God and does not understand the nature of man apart from a love and obedience to God. He believed that man would intrinsically care about the common good above his own personal good given the correct environment. He did not believe that monetary incentives would be necessary; that within man a natural concern for one’s brother would arise. He did not understand the passions and temptations from within a human and outwardly from the Evil One to corrupt and destroy these inclinations. In China, one can see that Socialism failed miserably. The Cultural Revolution that occurred there was just one manifestation of its failure.

    These are just my observations from studying history, China’s in particular. I doubt that socialism would work in such a polytheistic heterogeneous culture as ours in the west. I think that it will just be another form of government subjugation. It may cure some problems and will definitely create others. Our hope is not in this world or in any government system anyway as Christians. I think it is fine to discuss our different ideas on these issues, but it is sad when Orthodox brothers and sister in Christ, fight and disparage one another over these differing opinions. This is a tragedy in my opinion. Please forgive me if I have offended you or anyone else in anyway.

  10. Oh dear Lord!

    My family is from Asia Minor too.

    Our “septoi leyites” are prayerful and wise – loving, also when they have to speak a hard truth.

    Branding? no.

  11. Well, how I feel about socialism is that it places overly much faith in the government, and will ultimately relegate the Church to the position of a “cute novelty/artifact of the past” which will never really have an effect on society. It was not long ago that most hospitals and other social services were provided by individuals working together, and not the government. I am very concerned (for the immediate effect, not the final outcome) for the Church in the United States. I am afraid what will happen when the Church decides to use its prophetic voice to protest against issues such as abortion or homosexual “unions” and this is defined as a “hate crime”, and that Orthodox clergy will be required to bless these unions.

    As for our patriarch, I am concerned that his lack of a real flock to tend to has left him with too little responsibility and so he has fallen into the radical environmentalist agenda. I can sympathize that he is trying to reach out for help due to his precarious position, but it seems he is behaving like John VIII Paleologus in trying to unite with Rome due to the attacks of the Turks. I feel it will bear no good fruit.

  12. Bishop Savas, this blog did not claim that you “trashed posts”, it was Fr. Anastasios himself who made that statement in Note 8 above:

    you might be interested in seeing how your poor excuse for an “Orthodox” blog is getting trashed by those commenting on it on Bishop Savas Zembillas’ Facebook page

    I was not aware that conservative values, ethical practices, Constitutional principles, and moral values are alien to Orthodoxy and are considered “right wing” in the eyes of the Church.

    What would rejoicing at the election of the most virulently pro-abortion, including pro partial-birth abortion, President in the history of this nation qualify your views as?

    Obama is the Most Pro-Abortion Candidate Ever

    He is so pro-abortion he refused as an Illinois state senator to support legislation to protect babies who survived late-term abortions because he did not want to concede — as he explained in a cold-blooded speech on the Illinois Senate floor — that these babies, fully outside their mothers’ wombs, with their hearts beating and lungs heaving, were in fact “persons.”

    “Persons,” of course, are guaranteed equal protection of the law under the 14th Amendment.

    The Most Pro-Abortion President in History: Barack Hussein Obama

    Obama, proving his pro-abortion bona fides immediately after he was inaugurated, signed an Executive Order abolishing President Ronald Reagan’s Mexico City policy — supported by both Presidents Bush — denying funding to foreign organizations, such as Planned Parenthood International, which perform abortions or refer for abortions.

    Most recently, the Obama administration announced plans which will overturn President George W. Bush’s clarifications of the conscience protection law preventing doctors and other health care personnel from performing or participating in abortions or referring for abortions, etc.

  13. I didn’t “trash” your post. I asked what theological justification there was for posting an opinion like this which makes no reference to Christianity of any kind, much less Orthodox Christianity. I post opinion pieces and news item on my FB wall (not a blog) in order to generate discussion. I don’t necessarily agree with the opinion expressed. I post so that people can have something to discuss, and hopefully in the context of a shared faith in the God revealed in the person of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.

    Your “badge of honor” remarks are hurtful, Fr Hans and Fr John. I have never targeted either of you personally. I am certainly concerned about the fact that you have virtually equated the politics of the Right with Orthodoxy, and I will continue to question and criticize what I belief is your diminution of the Gospel.


  14. I have always said that blogs are an instrument of the devil and this “flame war” is a perfect example. I happen to know Fr. Anastasios personally. In fact, I consider him a friend (even though I know our political ideologies may differ). He is a quality priest, dedicated to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, ministering to a growing congregation of Orthodox Christians. These libelous statements against a priest and his parish are uncalled for – in fact, they are scandalous and should be repented of. And another thing, why do Patriarch Bartholomew’s environmental concerns make him a victim/pawn of the “radical environmentalist agenda?” What is radical about the fact that the “Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein?” I suppose that Psalm 104 (chanted at every Vespers service) is also a radical environmentalist agenda. As we approach Holy Week, everyone with an “Orthodox” blog site should ask two questions: 1) Is this blog embarrasing to Christ’s Holy Church? and 2) How does this blog site contribute to the Great Commission? I think if those questions were answered seriously there might be an 85% reduction in “Orthodox” blogs on the internet. That might be a good thing. But what do I know? I am just a revisionist, deconstructionist, liberal communist because I once suggested online that we shouldst removeth the Thee, Thou, Thy archaic English from our Divine Services. Flame on!

  15. This blog is dedicated to a flavor of right-wing thought. I said “flavor” because the Ron Paulians and the paleocons are not necessarily represented here in full-force.

    Bishop Savas and Father Anastasios are full-blown leftists. They have their own Facebook presence, and I assume, probably some blogs that they contribute to.

    People have a right to put forward their opinions.

    The first thing I want to say is simply this: outside of settled dogma, your opinion is your opinion. You can’t wrap your opinion in a cassock or put a miter on its head and suddenly proclaim it the word of God. The Trinity is not open for debate. If you question it, then you are not Orthodox. Whether Democratic Socialism is a viable system is very much a debatable point. You will find clergy and laity on both sides of that issue.

    There is no “Orthodox” answer to many of our political questions, regardless of how much we would like one. People who are theologically Orthodox hail from socialist, liberal, neo-conservative, moderate, paleo-conservative, and Libertarian backgrounds. Each side can use the language of the Fathers, the Bible, and historical precedent to argue that theirs is the “Orthodox” position.

    But doing so won’t make it a fact. Father Anastasios and I have argued over Homeschooling, which he very much opposes. He is quite prone to taking the position that since he is a priest, that he has the right to simply ride roughshod over the views of others. I have little to no respect for him, as I can find no love in any of his online postings. He comes across as dogmatic, closed minded, and egotistical.

    How is he in real life? I can’t say, but his online persona is awful.

    Bishop Savas? Well, that is a different situation. I believe he is a very sincere man who thinks that Left-wing economics can make society more just.

    I beg to disagree with that, and have done so quite a few times. But I have never been dismissed by him. He has never pulled the hierarchy card, as has Father Anastasios. Therefore, I see huge difference in the two of them. I believe His Grace to be sincerely wrong, but I honor his love for people, his willingness to talk to others with whom he disagrees, and his capacity for growth.

  16. I don’t wish to offer an oppinion on the political debate. However, I can’t help feeling that this is all wrong! We continue to cause division amongst us by our comments and political views. The Church Fathers and the Saints did amazing things through prayer, fasting, humility, and at times, by practicing silence. I humbly wonder, are we spending to much of our precious time blogging? (Myself included). It seems that these conversations quickly become full of anger and hate. Clergy and laity alike make comments that they should probably reconsider. I am an Orthodox priest of Greek decent and I am not a facist or a nationalist and it is unfair to make such a statement. I pray that I have not offended any of you for offering my thoughts and that they do not cause further division.

  17. Well, Mr. Hiding-Behind-His-Anonymity-Nicholas – at LEAST you had the decency and presence of mind to admit that you don’t really know me. Yet, you can make judgments about me and my personality. It’s amazing the conclusions you can draw about a person from the Internet. How logical or intelligent this that?

    How intelligent is it to equate socialism with all the unspeakable associations that the Just-As-Anonymous-Editor of this blog associates it with?

    . . . I can hear the black helicopters coming as we speak . . .

    Shhh. Perhaps Obama has sent them too!

  18. Oh, what ARE the “Christian Coalition of America” and “Human Events” ANYWAY?? I, for one, have never heard of them. At least I know what the FAUX NEWS NETWORK is. You quote these two sources as if they are Scripture. Are they even ORTHODOX or are they, as we all know they are, run by people whom you would otherwise undoubtedly consider HERETICS? At least show us a MAINSTREAM, NON-CRACKPOT media source that considers Obama the most “pro-abortion” President ever. Then, perhaps, there would be some basis for discussion.

    Otherwise, like I said, it’s back to listening for those black helicopters all over again . . . .

  19. Hello Fr. Anastasios –

    Your online persona, both here and in Facebook, is shrill, angry, dismissive, arrogant, and just plain mean.

    I don’t know you in real life, and you would not be the first nice guy who turns into a monster when his fingers hit a keyboard. So, yeah, in real life you might be one swell guy. Online, you are just plain awful. That I can easily draw conclusions about, as it is demonstrated.

    How intelligent is it to equate socialism with all the unspeakable associations that the Just-As-

    Anonymous-Editor of this blog associates it with?

    . . . I can hear the black helicopters coming as we speak . . .

    Shhh. Perhaps Obama has sent them too!

    Now, Father, I know that you signed the plea for peace by the OPF. When does the OPF plan to issue another plea to Obama to end the War in Iraq and the one in Afghanistan so that our troops can come home?

    Trick question. They won’t.

    When are you planning to blast Obama for not repealing the encroachments on our Civil Liberties that were visited upon us by Bush? In fact, Obama has pushed for more power. Are Civil Liberties only important when Republicans are in charge?

    I don’t think so, but perhaps you do.

    What about ending this corporate cuddle in which our government steals money from us to bail out CEO’s? Obama hasn’t done much there, either. Has he? We are still shoveling bailout money.

    So much for man-of-the-people. I respect leftists like those at that stuck it to Bush and are now sticking it to Obama. You? You just come across as a partisan hack.

    Now, on the subject of health care. Three ways to fund anything government related. You fund it by taxation. What happens to people who can’t pay those taxes, Father? Does the government pat them on the head and work with them? Does the government take them in a loving embrace to help them out? No, if you end up on the wrong side of the voluminous and impossible to understand Tax Code, then the government grinds you into paste.

    At the end of the day, taxes are extracted under the threat of force. Pay – or else! Why do people like you think that is so moral? Have you ever looked into how the IRS treats middle-class tax payers?

    The other option is to borrow the money. The U.S. has trillions in unfunded liabilities already. The government is broke. Recently the FED has been buying TBills to finance the debt. Would you add to this?

    The final option is through the printing press. That is what we are currently doing. Who gets hurt the worst by inflation? The poor, of course. The value of their meager savings and paychecks are wiped out. The Dollar is worth 4 cents when compared to 1913. The rich are higher up the food chain and get new money that is printed faster than the poor. Sound money helps the poor, but the current Fed Reserve System loots the country to help the rich.

    I have lived in Socialist countries in the past. For years, actually. I came away with a deep appreciation for how grinding it is to live and work in such an environment. I don’t think Socialism is viable in the long-term. I expect Europe to jettison it, as the future liabilities are so great that they can never be paid.

    I respect your right to disagree. But you don’t respect mine. You prefer in our online discussions to pull the priest card and proclaim that Democratic Socialism is somehow dogma. It isn’t. This is your personal opinion. to which you have a right. But if you want to bring people to your side, then you better have more to offer than bluster and arrogance.

  20. Otherwise, like I said, it’s back to listening for those black helicopters all over again . . . .

    Obama is a purist in terms of abortion. I wish he were as opposed to the Patriot Act as he is to curbs on abortion. But, alas, he isn’t.

    Now, Fr. Anastasios, you keep bringing up black helicopters. That seems to imply that conservatives are paranoid.

    This is a quote from a leftist you should know named Naomi Wolf:

    Frankly, liberals are out of the habit of communicating with anyone outside their own in cohort. We have a cultural problem with self-righteousness and elitism. Liberals roll their eyes about going on “Oprah” to reach a mass audience by using language that anyone can understand even if you majored in semiotics at Yale. We look down on people we don’t agree with. It doesn’t serve us well.

    There is also a deliberate building up of two camps that benefits from whipping up home team spirit and demonizing the opposition. With the Internet there is even more fractioning since we are in echo chambers. With so much propaganda it is hard to calm down enough to listen.

    You can read the rest here:–_is_she_on_to_something_or_in_fantasy_land__?page=entire

    I see that a lot in your posts. It is as if you are so used to dealing with people who think like you do, that you are hard-pressed to engage those who don’t. In any case, Wolf is quite worried about the consolidation of power under Obama that was begun under Bush. What Bush began, Obama has accelerated. A lot of leftists are alarmed by this trend.

    They are right to be. Obama is very threatening, in precisely the same ways that Bush II was. Whether the helicopters are black or Army green, the fact is that the Bill of Rights is on life-support, and people should be very concerned about Obama’s embrace of Bushian ideals.

    In terms of abortion, how bad is Obama? I have a hard time caring, really. The pro-life Republicans have done little to save even so much as one baby. Ron Paul introduced a bill in 2006 that would have stripped abortion decisions from the Supreme Court and returned the jurisdiction to the States. Republicans ignored him, because such a move would removed the abortion issue as an election-year prop.

    So I don’t take the Repubs seriously on life issues. That doesn’t mean I like Obama’s position or his rhetoric, merely that I did consider him in 2008. I would have voted for him had I thought it would have made a positive difference in areas such as military spending or Civil Liberties. The more I watched him, the more convinced I became that he represented merely a Neo-liberalism that was only a shade off from the Neo-conservatism we’d already suffered through.

    What I don’t follow is why you feel compelled to defend this guy. You signed the OPF document. You are against military tribunals. You are against continuing the war in Iraq. You are against the Patriot Act. You would be in favor of trimming the defense budget, and against the escalating use of Predator drone strikes. Obama has sold you out on just about everything, even a health care bill that is packed with slop for corporations in favored industries.

    So what gives? Why all this anger in support of a president that has undercut his own leftist base at every turn?

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