Sarah Palin and the narcissistic wounds of the Left

American Thinker | James Lewis | Sep. 2, 2008

The Left always counts its presidential chickens before they’re hatched. They did it with Algore, they did it with Kerry. They think they have victory in their grasp, and when reality says otherwise they feel robbed and betrayed. They have to find dark plots and conspiracies to explain the impossible; the Supreme Court was corrupt in stopping the Al Gore assault on the election rules in Florida. Ohio’s voting machines were hacked to give George W. Bush his win there. Today, Algore is still bulking up with rage, eight years after Florida. Kerry still thinks he was “swiftboated” — when his Swiftboat chain of command finally got its chance to tell the truth. Rapper P. Diddy was on YouTube yesterday going “Alaska? Alaska?” and “McCain, you’re getting the *** out of town.”


Former Democrat national chairman Don Fowler admitted to ABC News that he rejoiced at the prospect of Hurricane Gustav hitting New Orleans during the Republican National Convention.

“The hurricane’s going to hit New Orleans about the time they (the GOP) start. The timing is — at least it appears now that it’ll be there Monday. That just demonstrates that God’s on our side. [Laughter] Everything’s cool.”

In customary Leftist fashion, Fowler half-way apologized when he was caught on tape.

“If this offended anybody, I personally apologize,” Fowler told ABC News. “It was a mistake, and it was a satirical statement made in jest. And one that I clearly don’t believe … One doesn’t anticipate that one’s private conversation will be surreptitiously taped by some right-wing nutcase,” said Fowler. “But that’s the nature of what we’re dealing with.”

“If this offended anybody?” I wonder if a million people fleeing New Orleans felt offended. But it wasn’t Don Fowler’s fault, you see. It was the fault of “some right-wing nutcase” who caught him saying it on videotape.

You see, Senator O is entitled to the presidency. You may not think so, but millions of Leftists do. He’s black, he’s cool, he makes the Left drool. As the fringe likes to say, “It’s only justice.” Think about that word “justice” and try filling in “revenge.” “Social justice” means the revenge of the poor against the rich, of the radical women against the men who’ve stood them up and hurt their feelings all their lives, and the revenge of black people finally doin’ down the whites — as Jeremiah Wright makes so abundantly clear.

“Social justice” is the revenge of the psychologically oppressed against people who look happier and more satisfied with their lives.

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