ANWR – The Real Story

Thoughts of a Conservative Christian | July 1, 2008

FIRST… do you know what ANWR is? ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Only 2,000 acres out of 19 million acres of barren tundra are needed to provide America with critically needed oil supplies. Wildlife and the environment will NOT be affected.

Now… A comparison

And some perspective…

(it’s in the “ANWR Coastal Plain”)

. . . more


3 thoughts on “ANWR – The Real Story”

  1. With our without drilling in the ANWR, even American oil-producer T. Boone Pickens believes that we need to break our dependence on oil sooner rather than later:

    It is … simply a matter of accepting certain temporary privations — primarily, giving up our total dependence on gas-guzzling cars — in the interest of shifting to other forms of energy that are more reliable. Oil would not be banished as a source of energy; it would simply become less overwhelmingly dominant.

    If we refuse to do this, we will simply become ever more at the mercy of foreign despots to whom we are already paying hundreds of billions of dollars every year for oil that, by sheer chance, happens to lie under their hot and sandy domains. They could bring the West to its knees in a matter of months if they chose to. They haven’t, yet, because it’s more profitable not to. But that is no basis for a sane American foreign policy.

  2. James K,

    I don’t think you will have many folks disagree with the fact that we need to find alternative fuels. However, we cannot stop ‘cold turkey.’ The only sensible thing to do is drill while giving incentives for alternative sources of energy.

    Regarding being “at the mercy of foreign despots” is our own fault for not allowing drilling or building new refineries. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but was it a secret plan to “drain” OPEC supplies and reduce their influence? Hmmmm…

  3. One of the things that bothers me the most about the plans coming out of Washington is that the children in Congress seem more interested in scoring political points and serving their interest groups then in formulating sound policy. One side says drill more and the other says look for alternatives and both are right, we need to drill for oil as a “bridge” to the time when alternatives can come on line. But Congress refuses to do the right thing and find a way to develop and accommodate both because they’d rather play “gotcha” with the folks on the other side of the aisle.

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