Patriarch Pavle: Nativity Epistle of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Belgrade, Jan 4 (Dec 22, Julian Calendar): His Holiness Patriarch Pavle has read the Nativity Epistle to the representatives of the media in the Patriarchal Palace in Belgrade. The text of the Epistle follows:

Serbian Orthodox Church to her spiritual children at Christmas, 2004

By the Grace of God

For today the Only begotten Son of God is born,
the radiance of His glory,
the Image of His very being and everlastingness.
St. John Damascene, Homily on the Holy Nativity of Christ

This is the day which the Old Testament prophets awaited (Is. 2:2-3; 9,6; Jer. 23:5-6; Ez. 34:23; Micah 5:2); this is the day for which the righteous of the Old Testament yearned (Gen. 12:3; Deut. 18:5); this is the day which has been promised to all who seek the Lord (Ps. 118:24), “for being by nature perfect God, He becomes by nature perfect Man – He is the same, not changing natures, nor undergoing an illusory incarnation” says St. John of Damascus.

Dear Christ-loving brothers and sisters, our dear spiritual children, today the Son of God who becomes the Son of Man is born unto us, remaining miraculously both God and man. Today, through the power and operation of the Holy Spirit, the Savior of the world, the King of Israel, the Son of David, is born of the Virgin, the Holy Theotokos (Mt. 15:22). For this reason we sing, together with St. Gregory the Theologian: “O new combination! O miraculous unity! He who Is becomes and the Uncreated is created.”
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Fr. Patrick Reardon on “The Sunday before Theophany”

January 2, 2005

In the Christian East it is the Baptism of our Lord that receives the dominant emphasis in the Church’s annual celebration of Theophany (commonly called Epiphany in the West) on January 6. This feast is celebrated, moreover, as the manifestation of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

This emphasis is clear in the troparion of the day: “When Thou, O Lord, wast baptized in the Jordan, the worship of the Trinity was made manifest; for the voice of the Father bore witness to Thee, calling Thee His beloved Son; and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the truth of His word. Wherefore, O Christ, who didst appear and enlighten the world, glory to Thee.”
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Long spiritual journey leads to Orthodoxy

The Orlando Sentinal (free registration required)
Debbie Barr, December 9, 2004

MAITLAND — Some might consider becoming a priest of the Greek Orthodox Church somewhat unorthodox if you are neither Greek nor born into Orthodoxy.

For the Rev. James Berends [Fr. Jim, as most call him], who was ordained in July as a priest in the Greek Orthodox Church, it was a natural, if not typical, progression.

Berends, 47, serves at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Maitland, where he assists Senior Rev. Dean Gigicos in overseeing a congregation of about 500 families, predominantly from Orange and Seminole counties.

Berends said his journey to Orthodoxy and the priesthood was not a lightning bolt of revelation, but more of a gravitation.

“It always felt like just a nudge for me; it never felt like a huge jump,” he said.

Berends, who lives in Lake Mary, was born the son of a Baptist minister in Grand Rapids, Mich. He knew early on that he didn’t consider himself a Baptist, but he still felt drawn to Christianity.

“I knew it [my religion] was going to be Christian, I just didn’t know where it was all going to lead,” he said.

Read the entire article on the Orlando Sentinel website.


Boston Tea Party

December 16th

The Boston Tea Party took place this day, December 16, 1773, just three years after the Boston Massacre, where the British fired into a crowd, killing five.

The British passed unbearable taxes: 1764 Sugar Act -taxing sugar, coffee, wine; 1765 Stamp Act -taxing newspapers, contracts, letters, playing cards and all printed materials; 1767 Townshend Acts -taxing glass, paints, paper; and 1773 Tea Act.
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‘UK church faces life underground’ Top cleric sees implosion, persecution coming

World Net Daily
© 2004

Christianity in Great Britain is imploding, fragmenting and will soon be driven underground, says a senior adviser to Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.

Jayne Ozanne told Williams and Archbishop of York David Hope that a time of great persecution for the church is coming, reports the Times of London.

In a private report to the pair, Ozanne warned the outlook for the church was not good – that it would continue to implode and self-destruct over homosexual clergy and other issues. She says that its future will be one of an underground movement comparable to resistance movements during World War II.
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Fr. Patrick Reardon: The Church in Thessaloniki

December 5, 2004
Third Sunday of Advent

Father Pat’s Pastoral Ponderings

In the summer of the year 49, Paul departed from Philippi, the first city in Europe where he founded a church. He left Luke there to pastor this new congregation, but Silas and (it would seem) Timothy came with him as he proceeded southwest along the Egnatian Road, one of the great arteries that held the Roman Empire together.

A day or two and some thirty miles later, Paul’s party came to Amphipolis (Acts 17:1), about 3 miles inland from the sea, at the point where, Herodotus tells us (History 7.114), the Persian emperor Xerxes had crossed the River Strymon in 480 BC on his way down to the Battle of Thermopylae. As Paul and Silas came near Amphipolis, they could not help but notice beside the road the large statue of a lion that had already stood in that place for nearly 500 years. It was a monument erected there to commemorate the victory of the Athenians over the Edoni in 437 BC, and today’s visitors to northern Greece still stop to admire and photograph it, almost two and a half millennia after that battle.
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The Next Sexual Revolution

From Christianity Today website. Noted by Jennifer Roback Morse on her website The Marriage Revolution.

By practicing what it preaches on marriage, the church could transform society.
A Christianity Today editorial | posted 08/27/2003

Same-sex marriage makes perfect sense–if you buy North American culture’s take on sex and marriage. More than four decades after the introduction of the Pill, hardly anyone now getting married remembers the time when pleasure, procreation, passion, companionship, and parenthood were all intimately knotted into a bundle called marriage. Without those connections, marriage has become an arena for mere self-fulfillment and sexual expression. Even the Ontario Court, in its June 10 affirmation of same-sex marriage, could describe marriage as only an expression of love and commitment. If that is all there is to marriage, why not grant the same legal benefits to committed same-sex couples as to married heterosexuals?
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Europe to the barricades

Tony Blankley, November 24, 2004

This Christmastime could be the moment when Western Europe finally joins our war on terrorism. Anti-Islamist fear and anger from the mouths of the European volk are breaking through the surface calm perpetuated by the elite European appeasers. The assassination and mutilation of Dutch filmmaker van Gogh by an Islamic fanatic — and the retaliatory fire-bombings of mosques by ethnic Dutchmen — has forced high European leaders and news outlets to begin to publicly face up to the implications of Sept. 11, 2001 and the migration of Muslims in large and hostile numbers into the heart of Europe.

From Holland’s leading newspaper, the Telegraaf, to Germany’s liberal Berliner Zeitung and Der Spiegel (roughly, the European equivalents of the The New York Times, The Washington Post and Time magazine) has come the same heated prose that could be found in the United States in the aftermath of September 11. And here in the United States, even the liberal National Public Radio Network’s (NPR) “All Things Considered” is beginning to seriously report European volkish fury the way they usually report breathlessly on the latest developments in Brazilian rainforest depletion.

Read the entire article on the Town Hall website.


Silenced priest warns of gay crisis

If this is true the Catholic Chuch is in grave trouble.

Starting today, 290 of the nation’s Catholic bishops will meet at the Capitol Hyatt for their yearly business meeting and to tie up loose ends on the massive sexual-abuse crisis that has shaken the U.S. Catholic Church to its core in the past two years.

Although it’s been less than a year since the church revealed that there were 10,667 cases of abuse committed by 4,392 priests in a 50-year period, the message at the meeting will be that the crisis is under control.

Read the entire article on the Washinton Times website.


Fr. Patrick Reardon: Faith alone or love and faith?

November 28, 2004 Second Sunday of Advent, Father Pat’s Pastoral Ponderings

When the Apostle Paul lists faith, hope, and love as the triad of things that “abide,” he takes care to assert, “the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13). This superiority of love within the standard Pauline triad seems noteworthy in two ways.

First, there is the stark fact that Paul accords the supremacy to love, not faith. Let me suggest that if Paul had not made this point explicitly, there is reason to suspect that certain later readers of his epistles might have concluded, “and the greatest of these is faith.” My speculation here is justified by the plain fact that some of Paul’s later readers really did attempt to condense his teaching on justification by coining the expression “faith alone.” Pressed on the point, of course, those same students of Paul explained that real faith, living Christian faith, necessarily includes love. Love, thus, is subsumed into their full definition of faith.
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