Speaking of faith

An interview with Vigen Guroian Life, Gardening, and an Orthodox Easter, Orthodox commentator and theologian. Very interesting as well because a western Christian gives her view of eastern Christianity. The interviewer is very good as are Gourian’s answers.

Good articles by Dr. Guroian:

Moral Imagination, Humane Letters, and the Renewal of Society

On Fairy Tales and the Moral Imagination: The Pedagogy of Story

The Christian Humanism Of G.K. Chesterton: Truth and the Paradoxical Imagination


Two must reads this Paschal (Easter) season

First of all, why “Paschal”? The word comes from Pascha which means Passover and is the proper term for the resurrection of Christ. Christ is the “Paschal Lamb” (Passover Lamb). Think of John the Baptist’s words when he first laid eyes on Christ: “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.” To a first century Jew, the term “Lamb of God” would powerfully recall Exodus, when the angel of death passed over the homes of the Children of Abraham and the Egyptians during the final plague and killed all the first born sons of the families who did not place the blood of the unblemished lamb on their door posts. “Easter” is a later import and is not a historically proper term.

In any case, read these two articles about Pascha in Dachau:

Dachau 1945: The Souls of All Are Aflame

Pascha (Easter) in Dachau


Crisis in Indonesia



Crisis in Indonesia – March 19, 2007

The Metropolitanate of Hong Kong and Southeast Asia (Ecumenical Patriarchate) wishes to issue the following statement, concerning situations in Indonesia.

The Orthodox Christians in Indonesia have joined the list of those attacked by Muslim extremists. Father Methodios Sri Gunarjo, his family and other Orthodox were terrorized and threatened this past weekend. Although there are no reports of physical harm at this point, the verbal, psychological and other forms of abuse continue. At one point, a knife was put to the throat of Father Methodios, as his attackers demanded that he close the Churches in the Boyolali area of Central Java. It should be noted that there is a thriving ministry in this area.

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