Terri Schiavo and the Law: The case for life

Today’s Wall Street Opinion Journal argues federal intervention to stop the killing of Terri Schiavo is necessary and appropriate.


1 thought on “Terri Schiavo and the Law: The case for life”

  1. Here’s some more information I’ve just heard. Terri Schiavo can actually swallow. She swallows her own saliva, so she can receive nourishment by simple spoon feeding. The reason she is fed from a feeding tube is because normal feeding takes a very long time. I was not aware of this; were others? Why is this not being reported? And recall that Judge Greer has forbidden Viaticom, the Eucharist given to Catholics who are dying.

    Judge Greer has included, in his order approving feeding tube removal, an order forbidding any nourishment by mouth. Why in God’s name would he include that? That strikes me as clear evidence that he only bowing to the euthanasia activists in this case?

    This is equivalent to putting a pillow over the face to smother someone who keeps breathing after a ventilator is disconnected. Wouldn’t that be considered murder?

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