By Archbishop Iakovos Grand Banquet, Clergy-Laity Congress, July 3, 1996

The beautiful Day which lasted almost 37 years has reached its end. The sunset is brilliant, as I can read it in your eyes. The night will be short, as are the nights of the summer. And the dawn will rise tomorrow upon another Day. It is for this day that I pray together with you. I want you to be happy, to enjoy the light, to walk in it. I will be terribly unhappy if you ever lose the sight of tomorrow.
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Religion under a secular assault


Oral arguments were to begin before the U.S. Supreme Court on one of the most litigated questions in American law: Should the Ten Commandments be displayed on government property?

Outside, protesters sang hymns and held up signs proclaiming “The 10 Commandments: The way to live your life.” A few feet away, a larger group clustered around Ellen Birch, a member of American Atheists, who describes herself as a descendant of Thomas Jefferson.


‘The Cube and the Cathedral’: Why Europe’s great churches are empty

Wall Street Opinion Journal BRIAN M. CARNEY Thursday, April 14, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT

At Mass last Sunday, Amiens’s gothic cathedral, the largest in France, was virtually empty. Not just sparsely filled–it was, except for a handful of tourists, vacant. Mass was being conducted in a side chapel fit for the couple dozen worshipers who showed up for it (I among them).

Amiens is hardly the exception. Europe’s largest churches are often unused these days, reduced to monuments for tourists to admire. And there is a reason for this neglect. In “The Cube and the Cathedral,” George Weigel describes a European culture that has become not only increasingly secular but in many cases downright hostile to Christianity. The cathedral in his title is Notre Dame, now overshadowed in cultural importance by the Arc de la Defense, the ultramodernist “cube” that dominates an office complex outside Paris. “European man has convinced himself that in order to be modern and free, he must be radically secular,” Mr. Weigel writes. “That conviction and its public consequences are at the root of Europe’s contemporary crisis of civilizational morale.”


The evangelical pope?

The Boston Globe By Mark Noll | April 10, 2005

No one would mistake John Paul II for an evangelical Protestant. But he contributed to a dramatic warming of relations between evangelicals and Catholics that may mark a turning point not only in American politics but in the history of Christianity.

DURING THE 1960 presidential campaign, leaders of the National Association of Evangelicals – including Harold John Ockenga of Boston’s historic Park Street Church – joined other Protestants in warning the nation about the danger of electing a Catholic, John F. Kennedy. Last year, the conservative evangelical spokesman Gary L. Bauer saw the matter very differently.

”When John F. Kennedy made his famous speech that the Vatican would not tell him what to do,” Bauer told USA Today, ”evangelicals and Southern Baptists breathed a sigh of relief. But today evangelicals and Southern Baptists are hoping that the Vatican will tell Catholic politicians what to do.”


6 Episcopal priests warned of ouster

The purge of the traditonalists begins.
Boston Globe April 10, 2005

HARTFORD — Connecticut’s Episcopal bishop has warned six priests in the state who opposed the election of the first openly gay bishop that they could be removed as rectors of their parishes by Friday.

Bishop Andrew D. Smith said in letters sent to the priests that they had ”abandoned the communion of the church,” which would mean the priests would no longer lead their parishes. The priests could later be defrocked.

According to Smith’s letter, the dispute between the bishop and the rectors was put before the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese, which comprises clergy and lay leaders. The group concluded on March 29 that the six rectors were not in accordance with church canons and were out of communion, The Hartford Courant reported yesterday.


Socialism is at War with Christianity

From Dr. Reynolds blog:

Just as free market economics stems from a Christian world view, so socialism ia fundamentally at war with Christianity. Recently, socialism has become a fad for some Christian college professors. It is not surprising that this would be so since socialism has always flourished amongst the intellectuals and been rejected by the working man. Great union leaders like Gompers and Meaney had no time for the nonsense of socialism as an ideology. Their practical attempts to elevate the conditions of workers through trade unions were opposed by socialists at almost every turn. Healthy unions are the sign of a free society, but to be healthy they must be composed of workers and not be “intellectuals” pretending to be workers.


How the Pope Fought Communism

Article available seven days only.
Wall Street Journal ANNE APPLEBAUM The Washington Post April 7, 2005

We keep hearing that the late Pope John Paul II helped “defeat” communism. Most descriptions of the pope’s role in the collapse of communism are vague and there is much confusion. An acquaintance fielded a reporter’s call about how the pope secretly negotiated the end of communism with Mikhail Gorbachev. The pope’s actual role in the end of the communist regime was far less conspiratorial, but no less significant.

In essence, the pope made two contributions to the defeat of totalitarian communism, a system in which the state both claimed ownership of all or most physical property and also held a monopoly on intellectual life. No one was allowed to own a private business, and no one was allowed to express belief in any philosophy besides Marxism. The church, first in Poland and then elsewhere, broke both monopolies, physically offering people a safe place to meet and intellectually offering an alternative way of thinking about the world.


Bishop Hilarion on Pope John Paul II

VIENNA, Austria, APRIL 5, 2005 (Zenit.org).- At least one Russian Orthodox Church official thinks John Paul II will soon be beatified and canonized by the Catholic Church.

Bishop Hilarion Alfeyev of Vienna and Austria, representative of the Russian Orthodox Church to the European Institutions, delivered to ZENIT a comment on the late Pope.

“He was a great Pope, perhaps one of the greatest in the entire history of the Roman Catholic Church,” Bishop Hilarion wrote. “There is no doubt that he will soon be beatified and canonized by the Church to which he dedicated his entire life.”

“He was the most influential religious leader of modernity, and he made an impact on the entire human civilization,” he added. “Indeed, his influence went far beyond the Roman Catholic Church, which he headed for more than a quarter of a century.

“His message was heard and appreciated by millions of people all over the world, not only Catholics, but also Orthodox, Protestants, Anglicans, Jews, Muslims, people of other faiths and, what is perhaps even more remarkable, by people of no faith.”
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When John Paul II went to Poland, communism didn’t have a prayer

Wall Street Opinion Journal ‘We Want God’, Thursday, April 7, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT

Everyone has spoken this past week of John Paul II’s role in the defeat of Soviet communism and the liberation of Eastern Europe. We don’t know everything, or even a lot, about the quiet diplomatic moves–what happened in private, what kind of communications the pope had with the other great lions of the 1980s, Reagan and Thatcher. And others, including Bill Casey, the tough old fox of the CIA, and Lech Walesa of Solidarity.

But I think I know the moment Soviet communism began its fall. It happened in public. Anyone could see it. It was one of the great spiritual moments of the 20th century, maybe the greatest.

It was the first week in June 1979. Europe was split in two between east and west, the democracies and the communist bloc–police states controlled by the Soviet Union and run by local communist parties and secret police.

John Paul was a new pope, raised to the papacy just eight months before. The day after he became pope he made it clear he would like to return as pope to his native Poland to see his people.


A Man for All Seasons

Wall Street Journal The very modern papacy of John Paul II. April 2, 2005

When the white smoke curled up from the Sistine Chapel on that October evening back in 1978, it signaled that a new Pope had been chosen. His name was Karol Wojtyla. He came, as he said, from a distant land, and as he looked upon the faithful who had gathered on St. Peter’s Square he offered words that would sum up his pastoral mission: “Be not afraid.”
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