Al Gore’s Media Acolytes | Rich Noyes | April 27, 2007

Back in 2001, when Bryant Gumbel hosted CBS’s The Early Show, he polled his on-air colleagues. “At the risk of starting an argument, are you a believer in global warming?” The responses were unanimous: “Absolutely.” “Of course.” “Yeah.”

“So am I,” affirmed Gumbel, who rued the public’s lack of enthusiasm: “I mean, does an iceberg have to come floating down the Hudson before somebody stands up and goes, ‘Oh, yeah’?”

Six years later, CBS and the other network morning shows have given up on the iceberg and are busily promoting liberals’ global warming scare-mongering as certain fact. A new Media Research Center study of ABC, CBS and NBC’s morning news programs since January 1 finds that out of 115 stories on global warming, 97 percent completely excluded any experts, evidence or comments that disagreed with former Vice President Al Gore’s predictions of a “planetary emergency” and a “climate crisis.”

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