Imitation of Life

Chronicles of Culture | Thomas Fleming | May 24m 2007

Today, in Washington, D.C., Mary Cheney gave birth to Samuel David Cheney. The baby, the product, apparently, of artificial insemination has no known father, apart from Ms Cheney’s girlfriend Heather Poe. Up the road from Washington, in Hackensack, N.J., 60-year-old Frieda Birnbaum, described as a “mid-life counsellor,” gave birth to twins. Ms Birnbaum does have a husband and three children, but the twins are the product of in vitro fertilization arranged in South Africa.

Mary Cheney’s father says he is delighted. Four years ago, when the subject of his daughter’s lesbianism was brought up, Cheney declared the new moral code of the Republican Party: “Freedom does mean freedom for everybody. People ought to be free to choose any arrangement they want. It’s really no one else’s business.” Ms Birnbaum’s party affiliation is not known, but she obviously agrees. The oldest new mother on record, she told ABC News: “Age has been redefined” and warned that people who think otherwise “need to get ready for what’s coming up in our society.”

The fact that she will be over 80 when the twins graduate from college does not bother Ms Birnbaum one whit. The three Cheneys, for their part, do not seem bothered by the fact that their child will be reared, without a father, by a pair of Lesbians. Babies in our society are not potential adult human beings. They are merely toys to be played with by morally retarded freaks.

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3 thoughts on “Imitation of Life”

  1. Aggh! To hell in a handbasket! To hell in a handbasket! We have so much, we don’t know what to do with ourselves. Oh wait, what about Chirst? He goes hungry, and sick, and naked, and lies in prison! We are such a selfish race, we Americans. God gives us so much, and yet we deny even a small part of it. We destroy ourselves with immoral behavior.

    Why would you want more kids at that age?

  2. Test Tube Babies Speak Out

    I have a print copy of a poignant article written by a 20 year old girl who was a test tube baby. Her mother was a baby boomer who decided to have a child by artificial insemination and raise the child alone. The young woman tracked down her biological father and was told by the man that he did not want a father-child relationship. The article tells what it means to not have a father and to know that you have no father due to the conscious choice of your biological parents. Oddly enough, the absence of a father is a very painful thing in this woman’s life, however, all she can do is live with that reality, nothing can change it for the better.

    The gay-friendly press, of course, does not give coverage to articles like these.

  3. The feminist/gay agenda is an attack on the very idea of manhood and fatherhood, even the peace movment. The masculine function to offer oneself for sustenance and safety of others is either looked on with suspcion or antipathy.

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